Serving in the Mississippi Jackson Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Hi Everybody!!!:D

ONLY FIVE MORE DAYS TILL MOTHERS DAY!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? lol :) My mission president said that we can do FaceTime or Skype, and will be doing it at a member's house. And the member is fine with either, I don't really care whichever one you think is best mom. Snap, Janae had her baby. Last week Julia had hers, there's a new baby every week lol Madeline is soooo cute. I love that her middle name is your name:) Can you send me that picture of Emma and Madeline? and the other two? I got the pictures from Costco, thank you! Were the two baby pics of Indie and Madeline or are they both of Indie? I have no idea who's who! lol

Last week we met this lady named Debra, she has a cute accent and is a really wonderful person. We shared a scripture and she invited us back. While we were leaving one of the things she said to us several times was "Ya'll a mess" I had to ask her what that meant because I wasn't sure, she said it meant cute or sweet. Debra says things like that all the time, and its really fun to talk to her. We saw her a few days ago and taught the Plan Of Salvation. The whole time we were teaching she was really excited about it:) And she asked good questions. Sister Moffett is a really good teacher, especially with using scriptures to answer questions. I don't remember what Debra's question was but Sis Moffett used a scripture and it totally answered her question perfectly. It was a really good lesson, and probably the best we've ever taught. While we were teaching we used the Book Of Mormon, and Debra really liked it. She even asked where she could get one :D We gave her a copy and said she could have it if she promised to read it. I'm really excited to see her again!:D This is one of the things she said in her words "shut up and keep talking" It was pretty funny but I guess you had to be there lol I wish we could have recorded that lesson, Debra said a lot of funny things.

Sister Moffett has a voice recorder and for the past couple of days she's been carrying it in her bag and it's recorded at least 6 of lessons and random things (oops lol) There were three different recordings and each almost 2 hours! I have no idea how that happen, so now we have to be really careful lol

Last week me and Sister Moffett slept outside:D We pulled our beds outside on our porch ended up sleeping the whole night outside lol Sister Moffett was freezing but I would totally do it again lol Sadly, I asked and she doesn't want to do it again:D

Love ya'll lots and can't wait to talk to you in 5 days!!!!!!! Also thanks for being the best parents ever!:D<3

Love Sister Keables
There's are some elders who wanted to write in my emails lol

From the Elders: 

This is Elder Malmstrom. Hi.
Do yall like the name Kyle? I do. Tis glorious.
Isaac. He laugheth. Hilarious.
 Baby come back ;)

dis be da best from da west, also known as Eldah Vest! Yehaaaaaaaaw!