Serving in the Mississippi Jackson Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

This Week Has Been an Awesome Week!

September 28, 2015

Hi Y'all!!!
This week as been a awesome week! Destiny's baptism went great and the Spirit was so strong! All of her cousins and aunts came and they all looked so happy!:D I think it was one of the best baptsims I've ever been to.  Destiny looked super happy as well. And her mom and sisters came who aren't members, which was really great because her mom loved it, and she wasn't really interested in learning more about our church. I actually saw her and her sisters crying during the baptism and I had a hard time holding back tears:D I love baptisms! They're so special and words can't describe the joy you feel when you watch someone you love and help get baptized. On Sunday her family came to see receive the Holy Ghost, including her mom and little sisters. She was given the Holy Ghost and afterwards our bishop opened up the meeting for testimonies. It was the perfect Sunday for her mom and sisters to come to church:D Destiny actally bore her testimony and it was very powerful, she started crying and in turn made me cry. I've never had a recent convert bear his or her testiomy the day she or he was comfirmed. So that was really cool!:) A few people after her, I bore my testimony and was mainly talking to her and her family. I love Destiny's mom and sisters, they're wonderful people and I could tell that the Spirit really touched each of hearts. Ever since Destiny started going to our church, she's been praying that her mom and sisters will want to came to church and will have a desire to learn more. Me and sister Mozingo went and saw Destiny and her family and shared a scripture a with them. This was the first lesson that her mom and sisters were involved in. And even though we just shared a scripture me and Sister Mozingo really felt the Spirit and then asked her mom and sisters to be baptized on October 17! And they said yes!:D Destiny almost started crying, her mom was and I'm so excited for her family!  Sunday was a great day and Heavenly Gather definitely blessed us a lot this week!
Got to go, but love y'all and hope your having the an awesome day! #MissionaryForLife #MJM
Love Sister Keables
Getting ready to go tracting 

Sunday, September 27, 2015


September 21, 2015

Hi everyone!!!:D

Guess what?!  We have a baptism this week on Friday night! One of our investigators is getting baptized and she can't wait! Her name is Destiny and she's 16 she has family that are active members, and they're all coming to see her get baptized:D Hopefully a lot of the members will come and support her.  I think they will though because we have awesome members!:D 

This week has been a great week. We saw a lot of people and our numbers were a lot higher than last week!:D Sister Mozingo is awesome, and I'm excited to serve this transfer with her. A few days ago me and Sister Mozingo made a new friend and we named him, Keebler Mozzy G:D On the way to an investigator's house we found this butterfly and literally spend 25 minutes holding it and taking pictures with it lol It was pretty fun and it was worth the 25 minutes:D

A few days ago me and Sister Mozingo were knocking doors and we met this guy named Harlen. He told us that he had said a prayer that morning asking God to help him find a church. And we knocked on his door that same day and invited him to church. He told us that he's been to a lot of other churches, but he still feels like something is missing. He didn't have time for us to share a lesson with him but he told us that he wanted to come to our church the next day. We texted him Sunday morning gave him the address and asked him if we was coming, then a few minutes later he texted us and told us he was on his way. We were so excited!lol We were in ward council that morning when he texted us and I'm pretty sure the second counselor in the bishopric could tell we were really excited:D Mainly because we both almost jumped out of our seats lol Harlen came to church and he was only there for the first hour but we were so excited he even came at all! We also saw him and his daughter after church and taught them the Plan of Salvation. It went really well and both of them really liked it. Jordan, his daughter, really liked that we answered questions she had that no others churches could answer for her. Harlen and Jordan both have a baptism date for October 17 and I'm really excited for them!:D 

There's this less active in the ward and a few days ago she brought us pizza and then brought it over for us to eat. While she was at our apartment she showed us some exercising that work really well. Her name is Sister Harrin and she's 52. She looks way younger! And we found out why, she works out for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours at night every night. She showed us some exercises and were been trying to do them at least every morning. Me and Sister Mozingo are so sore! We walk like old ladies and it's now painful to go up stairs:D lol

Got to go, love ya'll and hope your have the greatest day ever!!:D Sorry i haven't responded to ya'lls letters.  I haven't had a chance yet:( I CAN'T WAIT TO TALK TO YA'LL IN ALMOST 2 MONTHS!!!:D #MissionaryForLIfe!

Love, Sister Keables

The Gulf of Mexico

We found Big Foot's shoes! 

Sister Mozingo, my new companion! 

I am who I am because of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the gospel...

September 14, 2015

Dad!!!!:D I LOVE YOU!!😊💗

Thank you for the long email you wrote me and the one you sent this week, it was fun writing letters to you, mom, and Ryan:D It took me a couple of days, but it was worth it:) This email might be a little confusing because I'm responding to both emails, we'll see how it goes:D

It's so weird I'm already at 6 months! It went by so fast, it's disgusting lol My new companion's name is Sister Mozingo and she's awesome.  She's been out 4 months and is a great missionary! It's weird that I'm introducing her to the area, I feel like I just got here. Your actually pretty accurate lol The church is one of the few places I know how to get to lol I can get to Wal-Mart, and the elders apartment without a map. That's it lol Sister Mozingo's GPS doesn't work so we've been using a map of our area to get around. I love maps! Without it I wouldn't really know how to get anywhere lol Yea, my skills when it comes to how to get places hasn't really improved☺ So far introducing her to the area hasn't been too bad.  I've been here for three months so I know the people and the members pretty well. And I know that Heavenly Father has been helping me. I know this is a chance for me to grow both as a missionary and spiritually. He doesn't give us anything we can't handle so I know I'll be ok:D Our Savior is still our Savior so all is well:D Thanks Dad, I have a LOT of weaknesses I'm working on but I am who I am because of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the gospel, and the people who have been placed in my life. I wouldn't be who I am if Heavenly Father hadn't blessed me with the best parents ever! And blessed me with experiences to help me grow and change. Dad you already are grown up! lol Plus your already a far better person than I am!😊 ( I LOVE YOU!)
No worries I'm really bad at emailing and sorry I didn't respond to your last email to me forever ago. I can't wait to tell these stories in person! We have a lot of potential converts, it's just harder to find people who are really ready and want to make and keep commitments. But they're out there and Heavenly Father will let us know where to go:D
You have your garage again?! That's awesome!:D Its going to be weird coming home and not seeing that room. You've been wanting that room to be taken out for years I'm glad you were finally able to do it.  Ya'll got 12 baby chickens! Didn't see that coming, how old do they have to be to start laying eggs? 6 dollars for a dozen eggs?! Snap, that's really expensive! I think its almost 4 dollars in Mississippi, which is really expensive for a missionaries budget. Well that's going to be really cool coming home to fresh laid eggs:D
Yep, speaking in front of people. Your favorite thing in the world lol jk Your going to do great Dad! That's awesome that you get to work with mom and you get to go to the same meetings that she goes to:D Sorry I'm trying to respond to this email, but I need to go so I can't write a lot:(
Guess what the same month you retire I came home 2 or 3 weeks later!:D I'm so glad you finally get to retire, you'll finally get to do something you enjoy doing for work. And you desire it:D (Your the best dad ever!)
Your going to kill it when it comes to Real estate, I'm really excited for you:D By the time I get home I'm sure you'll have sold like 10 houses!😁
I already knew mom would do great in her classes, does she have all A's? I wouldn't be surprised:D (mom is always busy lol) That's cool that she wants to graduate at the same time Ryan does.
That makes me really happy to hear that Ryan's doing well and that he's enjoying school:D How bad was the summer in Chico this year? I didn't think our summer was that bad but everyone else says it's a really bad summer. I got into the 100's a couple of times but so does Chico, personally it didn't bother me. The last couple of days have been really nice though. Two days ago it was raining all day and today and yesterday its been really nice. Did you get a picture of Ryan in the mascot suit? I'm trying to picture him doing that lol 
I need to go but thanks for updating me on how everyone is doing and what's going on in their lives!:D Also tell Ryan girls have cooties! And that any girl he dates or likes I have to scan first:D
LOVE YOU DAD!! And I'm so proud to call you my dad! I'm so grateful that you and mom got married in the temple, because of that you and mom will always be my parents!:D
Nope, I love you more!:D💗

Love Sister Keables

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pictures From September 6, 2015

We went to the space museum! 

I love license plates! 

Some of the places we've tracted 

We met some new friends! 

Sister Elms

Elders Bennett and Lovell 

Thanks Mom! 

Zone P-day

Last day for the Picayune missionaries!  Elder Lovell and Sister Elms got transferred! 

Yard Sale 


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


September 1, 2015

Hi everyone!:D

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!! It's the best thing ever!:D lol 

So this week pretty great, we met this girl named Destiny and she has a baptism date of October 17! She was a referral from a member in a different ward and she's awesome! We met her last week and she was super excited to meet us. We set a time to meet with her the day before and the day of she texted us to make sure we were still coming lol Destiny is 16 and is super sweet. We taught her the Restoration and the lesson went really well. The Spirit was really strong, and I could feel it very strongly when I was bearing my testimony to her. When we asked her to be baptized and she said yes it looked like she was about to cry. So far we've just taught her the Restoration but were planning on seeing her on Thursday and watching Meet The Mormons. She also came to church and really liked it. She was soooo excited to come!:D She texted us Sunday morning and was like, "Today is the day!" Destiny is awesome and I'm really excited for her. She's going to the youth activity on Wednesday night as well and several of the young women told her that they were excited to see her there. I love our ward!:D 

Mom, THANK YOU so much for sending me Meet The Mormons!! Sense I've gotten it, I've probably watched it 4 times or more!:D lol Sometimes me and Sister Elms will listen to Glorious in the car and bring our little movie player thing. And we'll get really into it:Dlol 

We had a really fun p-day last week.  We went to a Naza museum and took a tour on their bus:D It was a really fun day and we got lots of pictures lol The museum was two stories high and on the top floor they had a table for you to make airplanes.  Me and Sister Elms were trying to find the elders and we found them at this table making airplanes lol We were looking for them for about 30 minutes before we found them, and then we all spent a good bit of out time making airplanes:D

So you know how we only have an hour a day to study, one hour is not enough. If I could, I would study for three hours a day, I would. I can't wait to do that when I get home! In the MTC you study for about 5 hours a day and our teachers told us that we would miss studying for 5 hours a day and they were totally right!:D When I get home I want to study everyday for several hours and I want to own some of my favorite church movies and music! And study books, I love study books! I love personal study, I learn a ton and I love reading my scriptures! There are so many great chapters in the Book Of Mormon, and I didn't really know because I never really hardcore studied them. I'm so excited to study for hours!:D

Transfer calls are this Saturday and transfer day is next Tuesday. So me and Sister Elms are still companions but this might be our last week together:( I hate transfer calls, i just don't like not knowing whats going on. I'm mainly nervous because if Sister Elms leaves then I would be taking over the area! Hopefully that doesn't happen, but if it does I know i'll be ok because Heavenly Father Will help me and I can always rely on him:D 

Sorry I didn't email ya'll yesterday, we had Zone Conference all day and when we got back we had a dinner appointment so we didn't have time:( Anyways hope ya'll are doing well! Also to everyone who has ever been in my life thank you, everyone one of you have helped me become who I am.  I know Heavenly Father has truly blessed me with amazing people in my life. I wouldn't be who I am without the gospel and I wouldn't as happy as I am without the gospel. It's been a wonderful blessing in my life and I have no doubts that it's true:D I know I'm here a reason and that I have been given special talents and abilities to bless his children. I know there are people Heavenly Father has prepared that I am meant to teach and I'm so grateful for this sacred opportunity to serve him and to change who I am on the inside. I know we were sent here not just to learn and grow but to change and become who Heavenly Father wants us to be. Being on a mission, I've never hated the natural man so much. But I know that through the Atonement we can and will overcame the natural man. As we repent daily, not just weekly, we will feel a difference in our lives and and we be happier. We will have greater strength to resist temptation and we will become pure even us our Father in Heaven is:D I'll never be perfect, but with Him can overcome my weakness. Without the Atonement I would be lost, and I know it's something I'll always need. I love the Atonement and I love Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. I love the gospel and know with all my heart it's true. Thank you mom and dad for teaching me the gospel and being an example to me my whole life. Thank you for supporting me and for your testimonies. Your the best parents ev,er and I have been very blessed to have ya'll as my parents:D

There's a quote i love by Gordon B. Hinckley and it's about sister missionaries

 “Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than the experience and growth she gains through serving a mission."

I LOVE that quote and it's so true:D Got to go, but love ya'll and hope your having an amazing day!:D

Love Sister Keables!:D💗

With Heavenly Father's Help, We Can Do It!

August 24, 2015

Hi Ya'll!:D

So this week was a good week! Me and Sister Elms gave the lesson in our district meeting on Wednesday and I was really nervous. It went well, and I was praying the whole time. We taught on obedience, discipline , and purification. Both of us prepared a lot for it. Elder Lovell said we had 30 minutes, but I'm pretty sure we went just a tad over lol Me and Sister Elms want to do a challenge called the purification challenge and we started it this week. Its going to be really hard, but with Heavenly Fathers help we can do it.

Yesterday when we were knocking doors we met this guy named Pete.  He was really nice and let us in almost right away. We started talking to him and he told us that he's talked to missionaries like us before. Pete has a Book Of Mormon and told us that he's read from cover to cover several times. We asked him if he had any questions about it and he kept going off on random tangents. He told us that he's seen a panther eat a women and he told us some other things as well. After about 10 minutes he told us that he had been in a severe car accident when he was in his twenties, and that he had a slight brain injury, which made sense because some of the things he was saying were really bizarre. He asked me if I was married, I said no. He asked if I had a boyfriend. He was making me a little nervous but then he just starting giving us marriage advice. He seemed like he had a sincere  desire to learn more though and said we could come back. Were seeing him this Thursday I'm pretty sure. I'll let ya'll know how it went next Monday:D

Mom I got your package, THANK YOU!!! I LOVE IT!!:D The beef jerky was SO good!! I ate the little baggy you sent me in under 15 minutes lol.  I also shared some with Sister Elms and she really liked it too! The little messages ya'll wrote to me were awesome too! Tell Spencer I really liked his drawing he wrote on it and Tiffany's was really cool as well:D The little face ya'll wrote was...just a little weird lol Who did the ninja turtle? Wish I could draw like that:D I LOVED the shirt too and it fits perfectly. I put it on right when I opened the package and didn't want to take it off for the rest of the day:D

Transfers are coming up, we have one week left! I hope this is the slowest week ever:( I know I'm not leaving but Sister Elms could.  This transfer went by so fast! Doesn't even feel like it happened.


This has been a goal for our district for the past couple of weeks and as you can tell were all pretty excited for it lol.  A couple of days ago when we were being interviewed by our new mission president, those of us still waiting started talking about what we studied in personal study. We talked about scriptures and some of our favorite chapters. Missionaries are such nerds lol In the best way.  It's just funny because someone will find a scripture and be really excited about it. Which is a good thing, better to be excited about scriptures that than anything else. I'm going to be so awkward when I get home:D lol

Well that's all I have for this week, sorry I don't have a lot of stories to tell ya'll this week, but hopefully I'll have some next week.  Love ya'll and hope you have the best day ever!:D #MissionaryForLife! #MissionariesAreDorks:D

Love, Sister Keables