Dad!!!!:D I LOVE YOU!!Thank you for the long email you wrote me and the one you sent this week, it was fun writing letters to you, mom, and Ryan:D It took me a couple of days, but it was worth it:) This email might be a little confusing because I'm responding to both emails, we'll see how it goes:DIt's so weird I'm already at 6 months! It went by so fast, it's disgusting lol My new companion's name is Sister Mozingo and she's awesome. She's been out 4 months and is a great missionary! It's weird that I'm introducing her to the area, I feel like I just got here. Your actually pretty accurate lol The church is one of the few places I know how to get to lol I can get to Wal-Mart, and the elders apartment without a map. That's it lol Sister Mozingo's GPS doesn't work so we've been using a map of our area to get around. I love maps! Without it I wouldn't really know how to get anywhere lol Yea, my skills when it comes to how to get places hasn't really improvedSo far introducing her to the area hasn't been too bad. I've been here for three months so I know the people and the members pretty well. And I know that Heavenly Father has been helping me. I know this is a chance for me to grow both as a missionary and spiritually. He doesn't give us anything we can't handle so I know I'll be ok:D Our Savior is still our Savior so all is well:D Thanks Dad, I have a LOT of weaknesses I'm working on but I am who I am because of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the gospel, and the people who have been placed in my life. I wouldn't be who I am if Heavenly Father hadn't blessed me with the best parents ever! And blessed me with experiences to help me grow and change. Dad you already are grown up! lol Plus your already a far better person than I am!
No worries I'm really bad at emailing and sorry I didn't respond to your last email to me forever ago. I can't wait to tell these stories in person! We have a lot of potential converts, it's just harder to find people who are really ready and want to make and keep commitments. But they're out there and Heavenly Father will let us know where to go:DYou have your garage again?! That's awesome!:D Its going to be weird coming home and not seeing that room. You've been wanting that room to be taken out for years I'm glad you were finally able to do it. Ya'll got 12 baby chickens! Didn't see that coming, how old do they have to be to start laying eggs? 6 dollars for a dozen eggs?! Snap, that's really expensive! I think its almost 4 dollars in Mississippi, which is really expensive for a missionaries budget. Well that's going to be really cool coming home to fresh laid eggs:DYep, speaking in front of people. Your favorite thing in the world lol jk Your going to do great Dad! That's awesome that you get to work with mom and you get to go to the same meetings that she goes to:D Sorry I'm trying to respond to this email, but I need to go so I can't write a lot:(Guess what the same month you retire I came home 2 or 3 weeks later!:D I'm so glad you finally get to retire, you'll finally get to do something you enjoy doing for work. And you desire it:D (Your the best dad ever!)Your going to kill it when it comes to Real estate, I'm really excited for you:D By the time I get home I'm sure you'll have sold like 10 houses!I already knew mom would do great in her classes, does she have all A's? I wouldn't be surprised:D (mom is always busy lol) That's cool that she wants to graduate at the same time Ryan does.That makes me really happy to hear that Ryan's doing well and that he's enjoying school:D How bad was the summer in Chico this year? I didn't think our summer was that bad but everyone else says it's a really bad summer. I got into the 100's a couple of times but so does Chico, personally it didn't bother me. The last couple of days have been really nice though. Two days ago it was raining all day and today and yesterday its been really nice. Did you get a picture of Ryan in the mascot suit? I'm trying to picture him doing that lolI need to go but thanks for updating me on how everyone is doing and what's going on in their lives!:D Also tell Ryan girls have cooties! And that any girl he dates or likes I have to scan first:DLOVE YOU DAD!! And I'm so proud to call you my dad! I'm so grateful that you and mom got married in the temple, because of that you and mom will always be my parents!:DNope, I love you more!:DLove Sister Keables
Serving in the Mississippi Jackson Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Sunday, September 27, 2015
I am who I am because of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the gospel...
September 14, 2015