Serving in the Mississippi Jackson Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Saturday, January 2, 2016


December 21, 2015


This week was a fun but I'm not going to share much because I want to tell ya'll over Skype on Friday :D Last night we went a member's house to decorate cookies and that was really fun.  I made some really ugly ones because after a while I started not to care :D And we all could be there because it counted as service and our Mission President said it was ok. Last Friday our ward had a Christmas party and they had a really good turnout. The food was so good! I ate till I physically could not it anymore lol And they asked us to judge the desserts so we all had to try everything, I was so full! But it was all so good:D They also had a game towards the end of the Christmas party. So they would read parts of Christmas songs and if you knew the song then the only way you could win is if you stood up and started sing the song. Sister Williams and Sister Huston are both really competitive so it was really funny watching them guess. They guessed more than half the songs lol and because of that they were told to let other people guess:D The bishop's wife, Sister Eady is so sassy and she gave us the stink eye a few times😁 
Thursday night we were helping set up for the Christmas party and we saw 5 big boxes full of canned food and some other stuff. Sister Harris, one of the members in the ward, told us the boxes were actually for us.  Each companionship got a box. My mouth fell open when she told us that.  It was so nice and sweet of them to do that! And then on Sunday everyone kept giving us gifts and candy.  A family in the ward even brought us a Crockpot! I love this ward! The families here are wonderful and great families! They're literally spoiling us!
Sorry this is a short email but I can't wait to talk to ya'll in 3 days!! The times that work for us are 11am-3pm, I might call ya'll in the morning just to make sure it's all set up and I won't be able to email after today so I might call or a member so ya'll can tell me what works for ya'll. LOVE YA"LLL! And CAN'T wait to talk to ya'll in 3 days!

Love, Sister Keables

 Decorated Christmas cookies at a member's house 

Ward Christmas Party

 Knocking doors lol :D