Serving in the Mississippi Jackson Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Saturday, March 5, 2016

I LOVE being a missionary!

February 1, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week was a great week! We taught a lot of lessons and met some really cool people. We're teaching this lady named Rae and she's really cool! She's super open, we're planning on seeing her sometime this week, and were really excited!

Every Thursday we spend all day in Mendenhall, which is a town about 30 minutes from us. There's these members that live there and they pick us up Wednesday night and we spend the night.  Sister Cothern is awesome and spends all day with us driving us around and seeing people. Last week we had a really good day! So we got a lot of referrals texted to us and a good portion of them are in Mendenhall or small towns near it. And as soon as we get a referral  we try to contact the person right away. Last week we had a few so we spent a few hours and we were able to meet this lady named Ashley who ordered a Bible and Book Of Mormon. We explained to her where the Book Of Mormon came from and she was super open about reading it.  She told us she was excited to read it. We have a return appointment  with her this Thursday, and to see if she read. We also met some former investigators named Eddie, and Janice. They're super nice and wonderful people! Eddie told us that he still reads out of the Book Of Mormon, and that every Sunday he watch's BYU TV. Eddie has definitely been prepared and is still really interested in learning more. We have a return appointment with them next week and we're going to start teaching them again. Thursday was a really good day, but it has also been a really good transfer!

I got some news awesome news last Friday that literally made my life! Sister Mozingo called me and told me that Eddie and Amy were getting baptized the following day!! I'm not sure if I every told ya'll anything about them but just in case here's some background. A few weeks before I left Picayune we met this awesome couple named Amy and Eddie and they have two little girls. We actually met them through one of our investigators, Amy is the daughter of my old investigator and Eddie is the son-in-law. Stephanie is Amy's mom and we met her a few weeks before Thanksgiving and they invited us over for Thanksgiving. And that's where we met Amy and Eddie, both me and Sister Mozingo had a really good feeling about them. Amy and Eddie had us over for dinner a week or so later and we taught them the Restoration. The lesson went really well and we all felt the Spirit so strong. And a week later I got transferred. I didn't get a chance all day Saturday to call them but I texted Amy and asked if I could call today to congradulate them. I love them so much and I can't wait to call her today and tell her and Eddie how happy I am for them! 

I just called and talked to them both and they're doing so well! They both love the gospel and are so happy they find it! Eddie can't wait to receive the Priesthood, and loves the Book of Mormon! They love the members in the Picayune ward! They even talked to their daughters about the possibility of going on a mission when they are old enough! Eddie told me that their oldest girl has read the children's version Book Of Mormon twice and has a really good understanding of it. I love that family so much! I told them that me and Sister Mozingo are coming back to Picayune in 8 or 9sih months to come visit them:D I'm so happy for them, and it was so great talking to them! They also told me that one of their goals is to go to the temple in a year, and I'll be off my mission my then, so I'll be able to see them sealed! I'm not sure how I'll get there, but I'll find a way:D Being a missionary is the best thing ever!!

Got to go but before I do just want to say that I LOVE being a missionary! And I decided I'm not going home, and that I'm going to be a missionary forever! jk (kinda) I wish I had more time to email, but I didn't have much time to email today. Love ya'll  and to everyone who help had a part in teaching me the gospel, and helped me gain a testimony! Thank ya'll so much I can't put into words how grateful I am to all of you and to your examples. I love the gospel and everything about it! It's brought me more joy than anything else in my life! LOVE YA'LL!!!:D #MissionaryForLife

Love, Sister Keables